飲茶喺早期嘅香港同廣東一帶非常流行,依家已經流傳到大陸其他省份同世界各地,成為最具代表性嘅粵菜之一。喺外國,飲茶差唔多係點心嘅同義詞。飲茶嘅茶樓喺歐美畀人叫做〔Dim Sum House〕點心屋。澳洲同紐西蘭重索性將飲茶嘅地方同樣稱呼做〔飲茶〕,而平日傾計亦會講(Let's go to Yum Cha)我哋去飲茶囉。
廣東話究竟係唔係香港人嘅母語?有人會迴避唔答呢個問題,有人就會企出嚟,認真討論我哋最熟悉嘅廣東話。今集《文學放得開》有主持鄧小樺、查映嵐,嘉賓歐陽偉豪 Ben Sir 、陳鴻輝(廣東話資料館專頁管理員),一齊嚟講講廣東話嘅歷史同現狀。從粵謳到粵語詩,從廣東話聖經到俗語、俚語,體驗粵語嘅獨特之處。朋友亦可以小測下自己嘅廣東話知識,等我哋愈係喺粵語艱難嘅時期,就愈堅定地去愛佢。
2003年,聯合國教科文組織頒佈《多語世界中的教育》Education in a Multilingual World 文件,呢份立場文件涉及語言同教育嘅關鍵問題,提供咗指導綱要同原則,試圖釐清語言同教育有關嘅政策。文件入面提及:[聯合國教科文組織支持以母語作為教學語言係因為可從老師同學習者熟悉嘅知識同經驗上提高教學嘅效率]。
Last September Chinese state media said that more than 400 million Chinese are unable to speak Putonghua the national language, and large numbers in the rest of the country speak it badly. Pretty much every year, the government launches another push for linguistic unity. While officials admit they will probably never get the whole country to speak Putonghua that doesn't stop them trying. And many are concerned about the way those efforts are spreading to Hong Kong, Just before the Lunar New Year holiday, the Education and Manpower Bureau issued an article on its "Language Learning Support" page in which it said that" Cantonese is a dialect but not an official used language in Hong Kong ..." This statement sparked a new wave of controversy regarding Hong Kong's identity.
With us in the studio to discuss this is:
Dr Ben Au Yeung of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Other opinions: Mr. Ip Kin-yuen of Legislator, Education Mr. Darry Chan of Founder "Cantonese Museum" Facebook Page Ms. Xu Xi of Writer-in-residence, Dept of English City U. HK